Aleksander Petrovsky
I once said I had an Aiden and a Big in my life.
I now have an Aleksander.
He's much better than Aiden and Big. And he'd never hit me, like they stupidly made him do to Carrie in that awful finale. But he's smart, complex, mysterious, and worldly. He makes me feel...dare I say?
And smart.
And funny.
And beautiful.
And interesting.
And sophisticated.
Why I didn't snap him up 20 years ago when I first had the chance, I'll never understand. But perhaps I had to live, learn, and grow in order to appreciate it all. All I ever saw then was the confidence that I took for arrogance. Now I know better. And I'm glad. So very, very glad.
I can't wait to see you tomorrow, John. I can't wait.
I hope at some point this year you'll be saying you can't wait to see me too.
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