Monday, October 20, 2008

The Hypocrisy Always Astounds Me

We have spent the last two weeks hearing nothing but how ACORN is akin to a commie front trying to steal the election.

Funnily enough, though, certain people who were shrilly concerned with ACORN's self-reported fraudulent voter registration forms are not showing the same amount of concern regarding a GOP registration group's fraudulent registrations and changes of registration for which there has been an actual arrest.

Wonder why that would be?

Edited to add:

Not to mention, little talk about the Michigan GOP's settlement of the lawsuit brought against them for trying to disenfranchise voters:

Oh, and for my friend Dingus, who wonders exactly why I am so strident...take a little walk through this blog post and its comments. And perhaps you'll see why. I believe we're fighting a war. And these people are the enemy.


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