I left that other place the other day because I had been villified for saying that the racists and haters have taken over the GOP. Even my "friends" took me to task, said I was too fond of hyperbole, that I like starting forest fires, that I can't for a minute be polite.
You know what?
Fuck you. Fuck every motherfucking one of you. Fuck you again. Fuck you forever. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Go fuck yourself.
Oh, and did I mention?
Fuck you.
They are exactly who I thought they were. And anyone who calls that an exaggeration is no better.
And one last edit. This is from Balloon Juice, summing up all the garbage in one nice little package:
FWIW, the fuck yous are not aimed at any one person. They are aimed at those who insist that there is some sort of equivalence between this racist stuff the GOP is putting out and simple negative campaigning. Negative campaigning is part and parcel with politics. However, since 1980, there has been a concerted effort to demonize Democrats in such a way as to make them out to be traitors. Don't believe me, believe the death bed confession and repentance of the architect of this effort, Lee Atwater. The logical conclusion of such an effort, especially with the unexpected appearance of the first African American Democratic presidential candidate, is exactly what we are seeing in this campaign. It is the cancer of the modern GOP. If they are smart, they will do what must be done with all cancers. Cut it out with determination and ruthless efficiency. Bombard it with radiation. Drown it poisonous with chemicals. Whatever it takes to get rid of the sickness that threatens to kill.
You're being thin-skinned and prideful over that. (Just went and read through the villification you referenced.)
You DID post it under the title "Today's GOP." Can't you understand how people would think you're using a broad brush there? So you screwed up, it happens. Sometimes though you DO approach this stuff with more "haha, my side is right/better/can't do anything wrong" as opposed to a patient (dare I say tolerant) tone toward the right on OT. Part of getting along with folks is not making them feel stupid or second-class--even IF they are!
In the past few days I've seen a yard decorated for halloween with McCain in a KKK robe chasing Obama. I'm sure you heard of the "Palin is a cunt" protesters at her rally. And signs at a different protest saying "abort palin." Abort Palin?? Come on. Still not to the level of "kill him" but also not that far from it--and this from the side that's WINNING.
Just saying, you pretend like you don't care what people say to/about you...then go away when people disagree? And in the privacy of your blog refer back to OT, tossing a tirade of effbombs? I'm sorry to say geg, but you sorta are the yin to PRE's yang when it comes to political bias. Not so much with the kool-aid drinking (PRE's weakness), but with tone/attitude.
I'm sure you didn't want your PM to turn into me bashing you, but I wouldn't take this time unless I thought my words would give you a (previously, semi-) respected opinion.
Honestly? I think you *want* OT to understand and appreciate you far more than you represent. I can't say *I* understand you, but I do appreciate you as much as anyone at OT (not named Catt). ;-)
"Fuck you. Fuck every motherfucking one of you. Fuck you again. Fuck you forever. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Go fuck yourself."
Until I hear otherwise, I'll assume this message is for me as well now. Hey, fair is fair...
So, just in case, fuck you too! (Or ignore that if we're still cool.)
You know I love you Geg. You know that there is so much about you and what you say that I admire and agree with.
But sometimes friends need to say hard things to each other and so I'm with Dingus on this one.
Except for the F/U part.
If you want to dope slap me you know where to find me.
Peace Amiga.
Well, you are both entitled to your opinion. I am proud to be a fairly liberal Democrat. I don't think the Obama campaign has incited any of its supporters to do any of the things that assholes on my side have been doing. And I refuse to allow a false equivalency in the actions of the campaigns. When did anyone in the Obama campaign insinuate that Sarah Palin was a cunt? When did anyone in the Obama campaign compare McCain to the KKK? There are no state or local campaign officials who exhort the troops to make any sort of character arguments against the GOP nominees in any way. In fact, we are instructed specifically to not engage in any sort of tit for tat when talking to people on the trail, but to answer with facts and end it at that.
But once again, I see a thread that degenerates on one side down to rumors and innuendo of the most disgusting and egregious kind, but pointing out that the GOP seems to only have that in its arsenal (a point with which there seems to be many a conservative pundit who agrees with that assessment) is fucking tantamount to child molestation.
I refuse to not call a spade a spade. I am, despite how you wish to paint me into some sort of wild-eyed radical corner, not immune to some conservative arguments nor have I ever had a problem voting for Republicans on the issues as I see them. I'm disgusted by the tone of this campaign. I am quite sure who it is who sent it in this direction and who is responsible for it. Yes, there are assholes on both sides. Yes, that's politics and you better have a tough skin. But a campaign and party that encourage outright racism and xenophobia need calling out.
I believe, in some ways, that it might just be a great thing for the GOP that it has degenerated into such a horrible characture of the worst of America. Perhaps the adults and the intelligentsia of the party will do what is needed to marginalize those who have ruined their party's brand and we will once again have a robust two-party system. It's a process the Democrats had to go through over the last 40 years and it has been good for the party. We've learned we have to compromise sometimes but that it is more important to get things DONE than it is to stand on ideological purity. That is healthy. What we are seeing from the current loudest voices in the GOP is diseased.
Totally agree on the GOP part. What we're going to find out on election day is just how many right wing kool-aid drinkers there are in this country...cuz that's the only people still supporting McCain. Seems it is around 40%.
I would LOVE to see the GOP split into two parties. Might mean a decade of Democrat dominance (not necessarily a good thing IMO), but the country will be better off with more than two voices controlling the microphone.
"Fuck you. Fuck every motherfucking one of you. Fuck you again. Fuck you forever. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Go fuck yourself."
John? Is that you, John McCain?
Got to agree with Dingus here in his first post. You were mostly correct with your comments, but I think responding the way you did is a very Republicanesque method of trying to beat down/shout down your opponents, and I think it would benefit us to be more Obama-like in keeping cool and collected, while still putting in extremely valid points.
"They are exactly who I thought they were. And anyone who calls that an exaggeration is no better."
Hyperbole much? You'd really equate someone who says you're exaggerating to someone who screams "Kill him" or "Traitor?" Really?
Then I agree with Pepe: you're in the wrong party.
Pepe and Dave...
You are welcome to view my opinions as you wish. I am fine with that and respect the fact that you differ.
But to be completely honest, I don't agree. Surprise! I am in no mood to put up with lies, criminality, bigotry, and thieving. I've had enough and I, like Kos and many others, don't necessarily agree that our candidate is completely right to be so cool in the face of it all. I'm angry. I plan to stay angry until all the damage they have done is wiped out.
Perhaps I am confused about what blogging seems to be about. I treat my online life here as a journal. This is the place I can be honest about all the things I hold back in IRL. I am politic and polite and professional in my every real life public utterance. This is where I get to say what I really think. It might be what I'm thinking about sex or sports or politics or family or almost anything, but it's not something I say to anyone in person. It may be something I think about deeply and long before I post or it might be something I impulsively post at the moment I think it.
I don't claim to be perfect and, in fact, like to marvel at my imperfections at times. There are plenty of posts here on this blog that I could regret and delete, but I don't because I have no interest in hiding from myself here.
If you don't like me, the real me in all my imperfect glory, I'm fine with that. I am not a naturally dispassionate person in many respects and I understand that it turns people off when they see that part of me. That used to bother me, but it just doesn't anymore. Everyone has to make choices about how they make their way and one of mine has been make sure that I keep my own peace of mind in my own ways. Bottling things up has not worked for me in life and this is how I have decided to uncork that bottle. I understand that you may uncomfortable with that.
But it doesn't change my mind in any way. As I am sure you knew to begin with.
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