What I Am Doing Instead
First, I must get the congrats out of the way.
Kudos to Krugman: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/14/business/14nobel.html?_r=2&hp&oref=slogin&oref=slogin
I'm no economist and I hung on for dear life in my college econ classes. But I have a general understanding of all the major theories, if not the nuts and bolts. In much reading (or, more accurately of my feelings, "slogging" might be a better verb) on economics and the various competing theories over the 30 years or so of my adult life, the two who always seemed to make the most sense (common and theoretical) to me have been Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz. Good to see that they both now hold a Nobel. Even more to Krugman's credit, he is the first economist to gain the prize alone since, I believe, around 2000. The prize usually goes to a team or multiple winners. NYT and Princeton are in ecstasies about now.
That out of the way...
I have volutarily decided to step out of OT for the remainder of the election and, perhaps, until after the inauguration. Perhaps, depending on how I feel about it at that future point, for longer still. I am sure to lurk, I will probably still pm those who I still care about, and I will stay amused at the lack of anyone willing to say that reality is...well...reality except for a poor, villified few. But the high school atmosphere and level of discussion and discourse has finally gotten to me enough that I refuse to participate. I may or may not change my mind later, but I'm done until after the election for sure. I'm sure it makes me an elitist bitch, but I don't mind at all being an elitist bitch. I didn't spend all that money, sacrifice, and time on education and independent information gathering on wanting to be a regular Joe nor did my mother raise a shrinking violet who backs down when she is right.
So, if you got one of my pm's, this is where you'll find me from now on. And for those who don't know me as anything other than a political animal, the archives should be an eye opener. LOL!
Sounds good!
Hello, darlin'! Gonna miss your POV on OT. *shrugs* I know I don't post in those threads, but I absolutely do read and gather information/knowledge. One day, when I'm all grown up, I'll be more confident in my knowledge of the subject and actually participate! One day!!
Hi Geg. I can't say that I blame you for stepping back. I hope you're still reading OT if for no other reason than to watch the GOP meltdown during the coming weeks. I hope you come back after the big night.
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