Quote of the Day
From MASON in the comments at TPMElectionCentral:
Next up: Republican leaders send a strongly worded message to Obama asking that he please refrain from working McCain's puppet strings. That is their job, and they want it back.
Edited to add a post of the day:
I swear I'd polish that man's knob any time he wants if he keeps writing stuff like this.
Edited again to say:
Sure am glad that the market and the Nobel Committee finally kneed Paulson in nuts hard enough that he caved on his rich friends' bailout in favor of the one called for by Krugman, Roubini, deLong, and Soros for several weeks to no avail until yesterday. Guess those dirty fucking hippie commies know a bit more about credit markets and financial panics than the Masters of the Universe. Another well-deserved nail in the coffin of that ratfucker Milton Friedman. Long live John Maynard Keynes!
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