Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Wonderful News

And I hope it sweeps the nation like a wild fire.

The War on Drugs? Another massive GOP FAIL.

A friend of mine and I were discussing legalization and how the government could cash in on it. He was against selling and taxing it like we do booze and tobacco, though I believe that is the best way extract maximum government revenue from the end of prohibition. His proposal would be to allow people to grow their own for personal use and require them to buy a permit, while keeping sales illegal. He was advocating a $1000 fee for the permit.

I'm against that. I would certainly pay for one of those permits should such a thing ever pass. However, I still think sales would happen simply because some people have no green thumbs or have no interest in taking the time, money, and effort to grow it. And it doesn't seem fair to throw them in jail because of that.

Pot is the third largest cash crop in the U.S. and the largest cash crop in several states. How much revenue do you think that would bring in if it was regulated and taxed?


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