Friday, February 27, 2009

A Brand New Day


The mighty right wing wurlitzer has decided.

I no can haz chzburger.



At 28/2/09, Blogger Asrai said...

Did you get the OT boot? Mother fucker...that sucks if you did. I am gonna totally miss you, sweetie.

At 2/3/09, Blogger Geggy said...

Well, of course I did.

And regardless of what is being claimed, no one has ever discussed any issues with me or attempted to try to work on anything.

I believe that my biggest problem is that I refused to work the refs. Never lodged a mod complaint ever.

Meh. It's turned into a mini-CPAC over there. So not gonna miss the stupid. And I think I have found a couple other communities that I have a lot more affinity for the sense of humor and witty commentary. Much more my style with a higher focus on politics, current events, and enough food, tv, and pets to let off the steam.

Besides, this gives me more time to blog. :)

At 2/3/09, Blogger Geggy said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 2/3/09, Blogger regina said...


I'm not stalking you, I promise. It just wasn't too hard to figure out your blogspot name IYKWIM.

I personally am VERY sad to see you go from OT. I am in agreement with your politics pretty much 100% of the time and relished the chance to read them. I can't tell you how often I cheered you and wished I was one half as erudite. I'll miss you dearly.

I couldn't really tell from the post, but are you just banned for March? Would you come back? Can you post the other places you like to visit here? One that I enjoy is OpenTalk at Salon.

Here's to a stiletto in the eye of the mini-CPACs,

At 2/3/09, Blogger Geggy said...

I have no idea whether I'm banned permanently or what is going on. No one, I mean no one at all, has ever contacted me regarding any warnings, let alone banning. And they apparently don't tell you what you've done to be banned.

Meh. I won't be back whatever happens. I don't go where I'm not wanted. And that site has been systematically been purging all progressives who insist on standing up for themselves and their ideas since back when TechNoir got banned for the same thing as me, as far as I can tell. We aren't the only ones and we won't be last, I'm guessing. You can say the most horrible, bigoted, and hateful things if you're Rudy or Wayne or Kingfish but you can't say they are full of it if you're me. You can be a passive aggressive hillbilly idiot like Jbug but you can't be lightly mocking and pleasantly intelligent like Singer. It's a one way street that they have there for how you are "respectful of other posters" and what constitutes a "forest fire." And I've always travelled there the wrong way down that street. I read the thread about the banning (what a pack of lies, I must say) and find it hilarious all the praise they are getting for making such a difficult choice and how it's so nice that everyone except me and Singer are so respectful of each other and, really, I'm thinking they deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, don't you? LOL!

I have lately been spending an awful lot of time at Balloon Juice. John Cole is that rare creature, a wingnut who repents. Which probably happened because he is SMART. And I mean seriously smart in the he-intimidates-me kind of smart. Not to mention his commenters. Who are just as smart, if not smarter, than he is. And funnier. Laugh out loud at work funny. I've only posted a couple of times there because I'm so obviously out of my league. But, man, I love that place. I also really like Matt Ygelsias' blog. I tend to post there more often because he often writes about education issues, but his blog is a great place to learn about some of the more complicated and less MSM issues like population density and urban transportation issues, economics, and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict when that part of the world is not on fire and is being ignored. And then there's Ezra Klein's place because...well, mainly because I think he's hot. LOL! But also because he's quite knowledgeable about economics and domestic issues and is a friend of Michael Ruhlman and loves Top Chef.

At 2/3/09, Blogger Tim said...

I really hope it's okay that I'm posting here. Another poster on the OT PMed me with your blog address.

I just wanted to let you know that I am sad to see that you've been banned from RTVW. It doesn't seem right or fair that you should be gone and others should be allowed to stay and spew their vitrol.

I was sickened when I read they got rid of posters "both sides of the political spectrum". Getting rid of MattBen doesn't make it even. MattBen was off his rocker. You and Singer were intelligent, informed contributors.

RTVW will be worse off without you.

At 2/3/09, Blogger Geggy said...

Thanks, Tim. Glad to see you here. Come back often. I'll be spending a lot of time here now. :)

At 2/3/09, Blogger Tim said...

I've already started reading through some of your older posts.

At 3/3/09, Blogger Geggy said...

Gotta give you fair warning, Tim. There is writing here that is NSFW. This is my id run wild sometimes. :)

At 3/3/09, Blogger Tim said...

Well, as my id has been in hibernation mode for some time, it might be a refreshing change of pace. Or it might be really frustrating.

At 3/3/09, Blogger regina said...

Thanks for the great links, I'll look for your voice there and keep up with your blog here too. I've got to admit I split my gut at "passive agressive hillbilly" and will be using that phrase with wild abandon in the future -- hope you don't mind. Lordy. You crack me up. giggle.

At 5/3/09, Blogger Glowie said...

hmm. I don't read political threads anymore. I used to read them all the time to find out what had JV so pissed off so it might be a little easier to try to calm him down. (It was NEVER easy, btw!) So obviously I have no clue what's going on. That usually works out better for me.

But I'm really sorry to learn that one of their latest bannees is another one of my favorite people.

You have my number. We've been needing to get together again and I see no reason why this ridiculousness should be any reason why we don't keep in touch.

At 5/3/09, Blogger Geggy said...

Glow! I'm happy, so happy you found your way here again. You are one of the people I was worried about keeping up with.

Yes, I have your number and we WILL have to make some plans. It's time and the weather is breaking. It's Gotta See My Glow Season. LOL!

Hey, if you talk to Emy, tell her where to find me, okay? I was just thinking that it's almost a year now since she and I first met IRL at the Obama rally at CCBC. And I don't want to lose her, either.


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