Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Two Small Bits of Good News

1) Brennan will NOT be CIA head or DNI. It pained me to think that Obama would offer such posts to a man who, whether he initiated such schemes or not, was an apologist for torture, rendition, and domestic spying. I'm glad to see either Obama or Brennan came to the conclusion that Brennan wasn't worth the lost moral stature.

2) A judge in Florida has ruled that gay adoption bans are unconstitutional. This stand against the adoption of children by gays or gay couples is a perfect illustration of the moral corruption and complete hypocrisy of the Christian right. In their world, it's better that orphaned children remain that way than grow up in a loving home with parents of the same sex. Happy to see some common sense and empathy coming from the bench these days.


At 26/11/08, Blogger DingusIsTaken said...

If we actually put down our jousting weapons and came together around adoption reform, with complete openness to any solid couple...I wonder how many kids would have homes. I wonder how many women might start contemplating adoption over abortion.

Even if someone is too young, or unfit for parenthood (and aware of such a fact), wouldn't it be better to go through life happy that you gave your child a chance at life? At least a handful of women I've known probably would prefer that to the never-ending thoughts about their aborted pregnency.

This is one of those areas that won't "solve" the debate, but seems to me a decent chance to find commong ground.

And you're right that it is short-sighted for Christians to support prop 8, fight to ban adoption, and abortion, and then leave our orphans without love. Sometimes you have to wonder if most Christians experience the Love they say everyone needs.

At 26/11/08, Blogger Geggy said...

I couldn't agree with you more. I can't imagine why anyone would want children to be homeless than in a loving home. Especially people who are so opposed to abortion. Obama said many times through the campaign that the goal of those of us who are pro-choice is to make abortion safe, legal, and RARE. If more women knew that they had good, affordable health care for pregnancy and birth and that they could be assured the child wouldn't get stuck in the foster care system, I think more women would choose that option. Not all, to be sure. But surely more of them.

It might also help children who are difficult to adopt or from families that are overwhelmed by poverty/abuse/drug addiction. All the gays I know who have adopted, have adopted more difficult cases because it is easier for them to actually be allowed to adopt the tough cases. I think we'd have fewer abused children and fewer in foster care.

My younger sister, a good practicing Catholic, gets outraged by the Church's stand on abortion because she feels that the Church only cares about these kids when they are in utero and have no use for them once they are born. And she's right, except it's not just the Catholic Church that is that way, but almost all the anti-choice groups.

At 27/11/08, Blogger Bravie said...

I often wonder what happened to "live and let live". Because not only are the cult members infringing on the gay's lives, they are now taking away that many more parents for children who need homes. If they would mind their own business they might find that a lot more children have happy and healthy homes and lives.
If I were an orphan and grew up troubled and "bad", my target would be these "cult members". I'm not talking about good Christians who talk the talk and walk the walk, I am talking about the bad Christians (like Cygnus, seriously, look at his blog sometime) who talk the talk and then try to enforce their extremist ways on other people. It's sad. Some of the most well adjusted children I know have been the result of growing up in a parental same sex family.

At 28/11/08, Blogger DingusIsTaken said...


I'm not sure how many were/are being raised by same sex families, but hopefully as more are over time there will be a greater volume of data to report on.

I don't understand how churchy folk can claim sanctity in marriage when the divorce rate is just as high in the church.

70% of women who get abortions identify with a religious denomination (and that's just who admits it). If the church really wants to reduce abortions how about CLEAN UP YOUR OWN GLASS HOUSE.

So it is with parenting. I suspect some day there will be enough kids raised by same sex families to do a study showing how UN-damaged they are.

At 28/11/08, Blogger Bravie said...

I laugh at the thought of churchy types talking about how bad it would be for gays to raise children. Um chruchy folks? I hate to tell you this but it is about 99% of the traditional straight families who are producing us horrible gays. All but one of my gay friends were raised by straight parents. I imagine part of the worry is that gay parents will raise gay children.
Also, of all of my family and friends who have children, it is the children of gay parents who are remarkebly better adjusted than the ones raised by straight parents. In fact, of all of my gay friends who raised children, only one of those children has gone rogue. And by rogue, I mean she is knocked up at the age of 20 and the straight father abandoned her. So it really makes no sense, the reasoning.
I think that in a way the passing of Prop 8 can have a silver lining for us. Us as a whole. Because of the passing it has become a national topic and a lot of people are outraged. I think this might put the "gay agenda" on the forefront of a lot of people's minds. And not just to protect us horrible gays but as an eye opener that discrimination is alive and well in all forms. Hopefully the national spotlight will help to shred some of this bigotry.
But I do understand that those extremists will NEVER change their minds. And that's fine, their loss.

At 28/11/08, Blogger DingusIsTaken said...

All I'm fighting for among my fellow believers is that they TRY to understand the difference between personal views and the role of government in getting Christian dogma legislated.

I too realize that most will never change their minds. I suppose we can hope for changed actions at least! ;-)


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