Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Why I Heart MattY

On Israel's seeming insistence on telling the U.S. how to conduct policy on Iran, as outlined here:


"In light of the billions of dollars in aid they give us annually, and that absent our alliance with Israel we’d risk isolation in the international community, it would obviously behoove U.S. policy makers to take these “red lines” very seriously. After all, they’re the ones with the leverage in the bilateral relationship."

That's a level of snark I could only hope to attain.

Meanwhile, I really don't even know what to say about these. All I know is that even though I am completely thrilled they decided, for whatever reason, to do it, I am unsure why they decided to step down from power as the Constitution says. It is obvious that they had no respect whatsoever for the Constitution, so I'm puzzled but happy they decided to not take us to the facist regime they so obviously fantasized about as their end game.



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