Friday, October 24, 2008


"A Pittsburgh police commander says a volunteer for the McCain campaign who reported being robbed and attacked near a bank ATM in Bloomfield has confessed to making up the story. Police say charges will be filed. More details to follow."

Just one of the many symptoms of the immorality of the politics of fear. That this obviously mentally/emotionally troubled woman felt she could tell such a story to cover up whatever it is that really happened is result of painting Democrats and Obama supporters as un-American.

I don't feel sorry for her one bit, but I hope she gets the help she so obviously needs.

Edited to add:

This may just be the best wingnut reaction to this story of the day. Courtesy of the Doughy Pantload's Corner blog, who was running with this story yesterday as if Obama himself had mugged the woman:

I have a debilitating cold and am now going to bed for a while.


At 24/10/08, Blogger Prof Wagstaff said...

You call THAT outrage?! I think you are losing you touch.

This sick, racist bitch is the direct result of the hate crapped forth out of the mouths of John McCain, Sarah Palin and the GOP.

This sorry excuse for DNA did her damnested to stir up the worst kind of racial hatred. She claimed that she was mugged, beaten, cut up and sexually assulted. And then she described her attacker as "6'4", 200lbs and a dark skinned black man".

Anyone with half a brain and a knowledge of our country's racist past can translate that description to; "Sheriff, I was attacked by a BIG, BLACK NI**ER! What ever are you going to do about it?"

Yesterday Sheriff Boss McCain and Deputy Palin both phoned this lying loser to express their outrage. Their campaign stated that; "We're shaken up by this. It's sick and disgusting."

I'm waiting patiently to hear from them just how "sick and disgusting" they feel it is now, but I won't be holding my breath.

I never thought I woud see a Presidential campaign more revolting than the Bush campaigns. Boy was I wrong.

FUCK THEM and the horse they rode in on.

Obama/Biden 2008!

At 27/10/08, Blogger Geggy said...

Well, Prof, now that the whole story has played out, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. I was honestly trying to cut this woman a bit of a break before judging her motives. But I should have known better when I read that she is a College Republican, a group filled with the worst of all possible partisan insanity and dirty tricks. It looks more and more like something these idiots cooked up and the McCain WPA campaign management flogged to the local media before the police actually had made a statement. Seems she was Twittering to her buddies, the College Republicans, as she went (the Twitter account is mysteriously down, but some liberal bloggers have it cached). Thankfully, the Pittsburgh Police have acted thoroughly professionally and no one was falsely arrested, detained, or questioned based on her disgusting and racist story.

These people are un-fucking-believable. Again, I reference Kos. We MUST destroy them. We MUST leave it all in the road. We MUST send an unmistakeable signal that they and their deeply flawed and immoral political philosophies will no longer be accepted by the majority of the American people. We MUST take our country back.

We can. And we will.


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