Monday, October 27, 2008

Jack Murtha Knows

Despite the drubbing he's taken for his remarks about the racial fears of Western PA denizens, he's right. Racism runs rampant here, in ways that make it sound like we're nothing but crackers from the least-educated, most ignorant parts of the white South.

And here's the first MSM reporting about Western PA, my actual county, and the town in which I was born (Aliquippa) that sounds like someone actually "got" how people think around here. I think Obama will have a tough time pulling it off in Beaver County. If he does, it will only be because of the unions, who have done a heroic job of trying to get people past their racism.

Just goes to prove once again, what an unsual household in which I was raised. It was truly the exception and not the rule in any way.


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