Sorry, but lately I've been so busy that I just haven't had time to even contemplate my life, let alone try to update here. But Steve gave me a poke, so I'm popping in with some quick stuff.
Busiest time of year for me, right now. I'm working in two financial aid years and it's awarding time for one of them. Arrrrrrrrrgh! Work is just crazy. Rewarding these days, but crazy. Good news? I got a great evaluation and I have to thank the customer service survey they implemented on me to my great dread earlier this year. Turns out that most students think I'm pretty damn awesome and, despite appearances to the contrary (such as yelling at me and crying in my office), they don't blame me for their aid woes. And, in fact, they are grateful for my time and effort to help them. Even when I have to give them a strict talking to. Nice to know that because I'm pretty sure the higher ups (not my boss, but others) expected a pretty different result.
Once again, my Panthers break my heart in the NCAA tournament. Happily, the Pens have signed an agreement with the state and local officials to stay right here where they belong and there will be a new all-purpose arena built without any new tax dollars to be used. Oh, and they've clinched the playoffs for the first time in six years. Now, if we could just do something about the Pirates, I could be as happy as a clam.
Karla's wedding was beautiful. I was a bit leery of her brainstorm to wear a green wedding dress, even though I totally got the whole Irish girl getting married on St. Patrick's Day thing. But it wasn't the nightmare I thought it might be. In fact, it was lovely and a soft (not Kelly) green. She was radiant, Tom was handsome and sweet, and the Grays and the Killians had the usual insane party that seems to crop up whenever we get together. Fun!
Not seeing anyone lately other than Ron. And not even him as he (being in the same business) is too busy to leave Florida for a while. He's really growing on me. I really like how he deals with me (and I certainly can't say that about many men). I'm sure I'll be insane with desire by the time I see him again, but he won't mind that! And, heaven knows, he knows what to do with me to make me feel satisfied. But he doesn't think he'll be able to make a trip north until the week of July 4th. I may have to troll for a one night stand between now and then. That's just way too long for me. That Rabbit was an excellent purchase because, if nothing else, I have that to sustain me. Because I'm going to need it.
You know most people just buy the eggs at Easter, not the whole Rabbit. *evil grin*
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