Friday, October 27, 2006

Happy Halloween

No, I haven't suddenly discovered a great love for Halloween. I did, however, hear a commentary on the radio the other night that I truly enjoyed. It was by a local and formerly legendary DJ who screwed the pooch when he decided he was so famous and wealthy that he didn't need his top-rated morning show or partner anymore and retired. Unfortunately, our Scott is my age. Which means that unless he hit the Lotto for about ninety million, he was gonna blow through the nest egg in about five years. Which is exactly what he did.

Once he had done that he realized he needed to work for a living and, having never actually had a real job before, quickly understood that he was unqualified for pretty much anything. Except being a DJ, that is. So apparently he came crawling back to his old station, which hemmed and hawed and eventually hired him back. But not for the morning slot, of course. Because that slot was held by his former partner and his new partner, the top rated team in Pittsburgh whatever time period you want to discuss. And not for afternoon drive time, either. Because that slot was held by the sex symbol of Pittsburgh radio, the golden son of a pioneer of Pittsburgh television. And so Scott had to settle for the 6-10 slot. Hey, at least it wasn't midnight, right?

Anyway, our Scott does some mighty fine commentary. Even if you should not be taking career advice from him. I highly recommend giving his Halloween memory a glance:

Happy Halloween to all my friends.


At 27/10/06, Blogger ~Nutz said...

What a neat little story! Makes you wonder about some peeps.

At 27/10/06, Blogger ~Nutz said...

*runs through blogland nekkid*

At 28/10/06, Blogger Puffy said...

Great story. Now go buy some candy and give those kids in your neighborhood a treat.


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