Friday, December 08, 2006

Getting Some Things Off My Chest

  • Now I know that some of my dearest bloggy friends are parents. And we've all seen how quickly hostility between the childless and those who are not can rear its ugly head. So, if you're someone who is offended by my comments elsewhere, please skip this bullet. Because now I'm going to say what I really think. It's not about a parking space. It's about how I don't give a flying fuck that parents think they and their children are the most important things on earth. And that the whole fucking world should revolve around them. And that all of the rest of us who don't have children should just shut the fuck up and give them what they want because they managed to have an egg and a sperm come together and then miraculously spit the ball of cells out to terrorize the rest of the world. I just don't give a fuck how much more valuable you think you are than me. I just don't give a fuck how much you think you're overburdened by your choice and that my choice, ergo, means I must help you shoulder the burden of your choice by deferring to you all the time. All because you got fucked. Literally and figuratively. I have found the sense of self-importance in that thread sickening. With one or two exceptions, no one has actually spent one minute trying to empathize with my point of view. Nor did they actually read what I said. The funny thing is that I would never have parked in such a space. And I am always courteous and polite. But all I did was tell the truth as I see it. Too many people with children think they are entitled to things simply due to the fact that they've bred. And I really don't think the word courtesy means what they think it means. Because despite all the talk about courtesy, it's not very courteous to try to insult, demean, and belittle someone to force them to give you courtesy. So fuck you. If they are ever stupid enough to put these parking spaces anywhere around here? I plan to park in one every.single.opportunity.I.get.
  • Speaking of that other place, there is a particular poster there that everyone seems to think is some sort of goddess or saint or both, but who I have seen as nothing but petty, bitchy, and rude. I've been hanging there quite a long time and she has never once replied to anything I've said unless it's to be bitchy. I've tried to be nice to her. I tried mightily today. No more. She's damn lucky she's there and never comes here. Here? I'll take her fucking head off in about three and a half seconds. And I wouldn't want to be around if I ever met her in person, especially if I've had a drink or two. It could get really ugly then. Bitch.
  • I've pretty much decided to cut it with the men, except the pilot. The last one that stayed at my place pretty much sealed the deal. Just because I let you fuck me and sleep with me does not give you permission to root around in my apartment, eating and cooking food without permission, smoking all the cigarettes in my case and then rustling through my purse to find more, spilling food and ashes all over my furniture, and purchasing movies on OnDemand. All while I was asleep. Done. Done. Done.
  • My staff assistant is pretty much the perfect storm of a parent with a sense of entitlement due to her breeding status and born again Christian with a sense of superiority due to her beliefs. If you hear of some poor soul in Western PA going postal and killing her staff assistant with her bare hands, know that it is most likely me. Her contempt for me knows no bounds and I've just about had enough.

Well, the last couple of days have been the coldest we've had all year and a huge change from the almost Indian summer-like 60F plus weather we've been having. And I stayed up very late last night watching the my beloved but beleagered Steelers stomp the shit out of the Browns. I'm gonna stay home, watch back to back episodes of What Not To Wear and use my wonderful OnDemand to watch last night's Survivor, snuggle in my jammies and my fuzzy throw, get high as a kite, and relax. Here's hoping all my friends have as pleasant an evening.


At 10/12/06, Blogger ~Nutz said...

Even though I'm a parent, I hate the exact type of parents whom you speak of. I think you realize, though, we are not all like that.

*wonders who the worshipped one is*

How rude of that guy to coo your food and go in your purse! *boggle*

Born Again Christians, in general, are some of the most self-righteous people I have come across. It matters not if they are parents.

At 11/12/06, Blogger thndrkttn said...

Amen! geg, you already know how I feel on this subject so I will leave it at that. Though, I must say, I actually can't believe that someone felt the need to 'lecture' me. Give me a fucking break!

Sorry about the dudes. The pilot sounded as though he had potential. *sigh*

At 11/12/06, Blogger Geggy said...

Oh, TK, the pilot still totally has potential. He's not the slob. He's a sweetheart and possibly much too nice a guy for me. LOL! But I'm keeping him, if I can.

At 11/12/06, Blogger HistoryDetective said...

Men are pigs.

At 12/12/06, Blogger Debcapsfan said...

You said fuck. A lot. *giggle*
Was he ordering porn on demand?

At 22/12/06, Blogger Lasann said...

I always get paranoid when someone lashes out at OT posters.

But I don't remember this one and couldn't find it, so I guess I'm safe.

Either way, I just came here to wish you a safe and wonderful holiday.

At 29/12/06, Blogger Silvergirl said...

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