And So It Begins
The Pittsburgh metropolitan region is in mourning. And shock. The mourning is totally called for. Those cops were heroes, especially Officer Kelly who was off-duty and responding as backup only because it was on his way home. The coward who took them out ambushed them. And they died because no one could get to them to even try to save them. Everyone here- regular citizens, law enforcement, media, and politicians-are finding any sort of understandable rationalization almost impossible to articulate.
But I'm not shocked. Not even a little bit. And I expect many more incidents like this to happen, most likely even worse.
How could anyone who pays attention to the world not have expected this? And the silence regarding this incident from certain mainstream and alternative media tells me more than I need to know about how complicit they have been in creating the atmosphere where this happens. I have been to websites filled with wingnut posters that don't even mention this incident. If they don't comment on it, they don't have to take responsibility, I guess.
I hold them responsible. Every fucking one of them. From the insane racist ranters at Stormfront to the Glenn Becks and Michelle Bachmans to the Left Behinders and the religious right to the NRA to the casual Internet posters who ignorantly rant about LIEberals and Defeatocrats and union plots to take over the country and turn us all into commies. They spread lies and ignorance and encourage hate and violence in those too weak to see how desperate and stupid their heroes and compatriots truly are.
I am more than disgusted by these people, every one of them. I hope they all live miserable lives filled with defeat in every endeavor and a lack of any human respect from anyone. I don't believe in heaven or hell, but I do believe in hell on earth. And I hope that all of these people spend their lives in that earthly hell. They aren't good people. They aren't Christian or any recognizable religion. They aren't productive or useful. They are destroyers and bigots and must be called as such as often and loudly as possible. They are no different from the bin Ladens or Hamases or Tamil Tigers. They are terrorists, by word or deed or both. And we must begin by saying as much. I'm saying it right here. I have, however, no faith that anyone in the media or our government will be half as honest. And I know that the everyman who subscribes to the wingnut memes will certainly never see that not only are they, too, part of the problem but will pound his or her chest, vehemently denying any sort of collusion with an ideology that creates monsters like Mr. Poplowski.
But they are.
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